My Ex Friend's Ex
What a fool he is for hurting you
All this pain and heartache he put you through
All your love that he once had
He took everything good and turned it bad
How can he do this to you
It kills me to have to see you being hurt
To see you alone by the window
While he's out chasing behind every skirt
He's my friend but now he's just a jerk
Who never appreciated what he has
I once ask him " how can you cheat on her
He said " what she don't know won't hurt kaz
But I know and I wanted to tell her
But I didn't want to be out of place
But in time she did found out and I was happy she did
although there was tears on her face
And it broke my heart to see her hurting
To me she's every thing I wish for in a woman
I wish I had know her before in my life
But I just move to this area in Staten island
And they are my next door neighbours
And we become close friends
I have had a crush on her the first time I saw her
A crush so big that it has no ends
I guess you could say " I love her
Yes yeah its true I am in love with her
But its a love that's hidden deep in my heart
Like a file in a zipped folder on the computer
Whose ever has a good woman
and don't appreciate their true value
Will go thought life wondering lost
Trying find the bridge that they have cross
A man is a fool to hurt a woman like you
But then most men are fools
They think that if the woman don't know
Then cheating is not breaking the rules
I was happy when she left him
But I'm sad to see the darkness she's going through
Now I have to find a way to confess my love for her
But that is so hard to do
I just move here like maybe 9 month ago
So I can only imagine the heartache he has put her through
And if I get a chance to be in her arms
I will show her a happiness that she never knew
I know that he made her cry so many times
And I can imagine how much it must've hurt
but to me shes like this priceless treasure
that you could never measure its value or worth
I love her and I am going to tell her today
And I know in my heart she loves me to
And I will ask her to go to Trinidad and Tobago
And show her a life fill with love that she never knew
Yes I am in love with my friend ex
And he is a fool for hurting her
But one man's garbage
Is another man's treasure