My Feel Good
Please Don't Hurt My "Feel Good",
I Haven't Had it Very Long.
It Is a Wonderful Feeling,
Although as Yet, Not Strong.
I Have Waited a Long Time,
To Find Something this Good.
And Now That I Have Found It,
I'd like to Keep it If I Could.
Of Course You Are the Reason,
That My "Feel Good" Came Back.
It's Been Gone as Long as You Have,
But I Think That You Knew That.
Just Smile and Say You Love Me,
And Kiss Me Now and Then,
Along with the Smile, and a Hug,
Then Our Love Won't Ever End.
And When You Lay down next to Me,
With You Body Touching Mine,
I Will Say, "I Love You",
As My "Feel Good" Starts to Shine.
Connie Moore
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