Love Poem: My Final Prayer

My Final Prayer

Lord, let  my heart  be  directed  in  the  ways   that  You have  laid  before me.    May  my  
strength  grow  as I take each step toward doing Your will.   Chase  away  fear and doubt  
that  may  try  to plaque me, and keep mine  eyes fixed on You.

As I accomplish each task set before me, may Your blessings pour out, not only to me and 
my household but to those whom I have touched in Your name.

Let each life bathe in Your beauty, grace and grow in wisdom, strength and uprightness.

Let all  those  whom  have been touched by You, stand tall and fixed on doing Your will.  
Cause them to hate evil and love to do Your just will  in righteousness, being careful not to 
destroy those that are held captive against their will.  For it is not flesh and blood that we 
battle, but evil principalities, powers of the darkness.

Show  us  how  to  free  the  captives  and  destroy  the  powers of the evil one, that he 
may not retaliate against them or us.  Station your mighty warring angels round about us in 

Make our hearts strong in Your Word, give our spirits the discerning knowledge so as not to 
be fooled by an imposter

Enlighten us  to  the extent  that it is only You whom we seek and You that we see.   In  
the  faces  of  those  hurting  around  us, give us compassion  to  mend  their  weary  body  
and  soul.    Send  Your Holy Spirit to feed their spirits and bring life back to their bodies.

Let us not grow  weary  by  the news headlines that we see and hear, but let us stand up 
and rejoice for Your time is near.

Gather us  together in spirit, that no matter where we are on this earth, we feel the strength 
flowing from other Christians to minister to us and stand beside us in our final battle against 
evil.  Make our spirits as one.

Praise God, when that final trumpet blows and Jesus comes in all his glory and power!   Let 
His Majesty reign over all the earth!  In humbleness  we bow, in victory we cry out, for our 
Savior has returned, in  all  His  Greatness  to  rule  for ever  and  ever.  

Peace and love flow through our land once again.  Amen.