Love Poem: My First Poem, In Opposition To Last Poem
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Written by: Wayland Bunch

My First Poem, In Opposition To Last Poem

How can I express to you what it is that I really think
Words, vague expressions of though, only touch the brink
I try my very best to get the point across
Each time feeling that I am at a loss 

Difficult as the situation may have always seemed
 I always challenged that doubt and always dreamed

 Doubt has fought back, and now hope is at it's end 
Now only despair and loneliness do I have, to lend

The time has come for great sorrow
Now there is no yesterday nor tomorrow 

Only the present, which is absent of all bliss
My own thoughts telling me what I will miss

Never did I have the chance to look into your eyes
So sad that before even knowing you, I must say goobye