My Friend - My Love
My friend the sun is setting and the days will soon grow cold.
What is new must grow old.
The spectacular scene of swarming rays beside crystal light must dim to shade.
Those ravishing ripples will soon grow course and fun in the sun will strike a pause.
Wind will bellow like a swarm of bees or biting ants that maze the moulding mud.
To conflict but to confide will only heighten winters pride.
Damnation two competing souls will draw to an un-victorious pause.
Yet no battle is ever won to humans the war continues on.
My love, a plea is as contceptive as talk within actions truth is bred.
Cruelty is masked by normality, charms of a conquest is often too lightly walked into.
You have beaten one clever soul, whose grip was fun but turned cold.
Now deceit grows a new face one who knows not his inflicting ways.
My friend I love to waltz in summertime’s brew however dreamers fall in line.
Lions await the waiting feline.
Crickets click and fish do swim whose lake do you jump in?
My love the summer often wins first prize but even winter has a golden side
Embellish in the colours summer offers you, but allow winter to warm you.
Lick the fire as you kissed the sun.
Feel heaven in four seasons yet to come.
My friend, loneliness will hold us down consuming us with the rain that beats us down.
My love, reverse that beating to walk what’s knew.
Enjoy your existence, the diamonds is within you.
My friend happiness is not just sun, in finding joy in the seasons four
And loving the gems that you live for.