Love Poem: My Good Days and My Bad Days
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Written by: Rosemarie Rowley

My Good Days and My Bad Days

I have my good days and my bad days
Eros has trimmed his brows somewhat
Setting off to some far distant land in a haze
Trailing over the side of the boat his worn love-knot.
Prejudice sits quietly on my window sill
Its’ hard to forget and hard to remember
How he lit up my days so much I could fill
A cornucopia with fruits in this mild December
Now he’s definitely gone, his last plea
You’ll regret this, a net over his shoulder
I’ll leave you to your reminiscences and your tea
As you gradually grow older and older
Remember, I left you with a loving child
To gladden your heart on my return from  the wild.

(c) Rosemarie Rowley 2014