My Gray Hair Belongs To Me
My hair is grayer now
Just these few months on.
I noticed it today
In a mirror
As I was fighting back tears
In the salon chair.
They came as the lyrics,
“I belong to you”
Flowed through the sound system.
The stylist noticed me wrestling
but made the choice not to ask
As she cropped the graying hairs close
And the moment passed.
Though for me
The bigger moment has not.
Even though the phone hasn’t rung
Nor has a message appeared
Nor a letter.
Each moment of silence
You hear
Each second of peace
You have
Is filled elsewhere with
Calling and writing and wanting
And graying
Because I do still
Belong to you,
That is.
No matter how foolish
Fully aware
You don’t seek that today
And won't belong to me that way
So conform to the change
Remains the only option
Each gray hair
Carries a message
Not sent
And music mostly silenced