My Greatest Loss
I’ve come to the realization that I loved you more than I have loved anyone or anything in my life....
far more than I could possibly love anyone else again.
Yet within that same breath I know letting you go was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life
There may be those who question how this can be true but it is with every ounce of certainty ….I can hold my head up high and tell them that you and I are now both living the best life we possibly can.
You see I’ve learned that just because we love someone doesn’t mean we are the best thing for them…or that they are the best thing for us.
The love we shared burned so bright, so strong that neither one of us could see the world around us was burning to the ground from the heat.
At that time I was willing to stand in the shadow of blindness because all I could see was you….and in my soul I knew you loved me more than your next breath ,,, which too, was dangerous
…..that’s how lovers lose everything and everyone in the all consuming fire. It became evident I had to let you go .... to save you from me....even though I suffered the greatest loss I'll ever know.