My Heart
Never given my heart
I didn't want to fall apart
You see right from the start
I've seen the damage love can make
I knew my heart couldn't take
'Love' was never a piece of cake
Seen my mom abused
Something I've always refused
This made me confused
Seen my dad settle
Think that's when my heart turned to metal
But the inside is still more delicate than a petal
The barrier is hard
Always on guard
Because the inside is deeply scarred
How do you give away something that's not even yours?
I'm a cancerian, shouldn't this run through my pores
But I can get on all fours
I can give you body, I can give you some tours.
But...HE makes me want to feel
When I'm with him it's so surreal
I don't have to conceal
Never had a man care so much
At least not without 'touch'
But I won't let him be my crutch
He sees me
I'm the lock and he's the key
With him I'm free to be
His priority is understanding my mind
He not perfect but to me he's so kind
What a wonderful find
I wish I had a heart to give
Then the pain I must relive
In order to forgive
So that I can heal
So that I can deal
So that I can be real
But most of all so that I can feel.