My Heart Forever Be---Sealed
Trust and Believe
As within this life
I have been through
Allot.. as many have too
But tell me…
How do you
Allow yourself to love
To I mean Really be in love…
To Trust and believe
As I met..
Tis Radiant Man online..
He shined his light
Love ever so Bright
filled the air…
also deep within my heart
time after time tho
He tried to convince me
That he Loved me so
That His heart is True…
Because within this life
I have been hurt more
Than I can say…
Even as this man
Told me
he too… had been this way
But than as this man
Kept telling over
and over again
his Love tis True…
I still had my doubts..
I thought… hmmm
he playing games
with my heart strings
or perhaps Teasing me…
many ways… some play
these Love games
Perhaps he just a dream
Imaginary… within my Mind
Perhaps playing mind games…
Just to maybe see
If he could get me
To fall in-love with him
But then… as he…
unto me
Words from his Heart
Truth in love
At that moment
I realized I too
Have been so in love with you..
I realize I do…
I behold Love of truth
just for him
as a woman would her man
and with him…
being a man would love his woman
two together us too in Truth… You & Me
Treasures of Blessing in Love
As I realized
He Does… He does…
He Beholds love of truth
For me… me…
What a Honor.. a Blessing
To find one whom is true
Really True…
One Whom really Loves me
For me…
And I behold the same
For him…
But Tis isn’t it Funny how life is…
For after I told him..
I realized yes.. he is True
I believe him… I do…
I trusted… I found yes…
I knew.. he was telling me the truth
That yes… he loves me…
as much as I love him
But then…
I went to tell him so
That is when..
I found… He left…
Now again… tis be…
As I wonder graciously
Picking up my heart
Where he left… me..
I realize now…
Never shall I allow
For my heart to be
Swept away… taken again
Only my heart tis will forever be
Given to Our Fathers son..
Come to Jesus
For Jesus is Honest and True
He would Never leave me… nor you
His Love is Unconditional.. True
Come to Jesus
His Love is True
He will Never leave
Nor forsake YOU
As for my heart tis be
Forever be Sealed...
With the Holy Spirit of Promise
Jesus Christ
God Glorious Love of Truth...