My Heart Is Yours My Love Now Forever
My Heart is Yours My Love Now Forever
My heart is yours my love now forever,
As your fiery passion enchants my soul.
I shall with such love desert you never.
Our life is now filled with joy and pleasure,
As we share life with so much to extol.
My heart is yours my love now forever.
The desire we share is Earth’s great treasure,
Making our souls one—a heavenly goal.
I shall with such love desert you never.
Our love knows no bounds of passion ever,
As we follow God’s plan and pledge so bold.
My heart is yours my love now forever.
Your beauty my love brings me such pleasure,
Knowing its worth exceeds all Heaven’s gold.
I shall with such love desert you never.
Our love as one is a grand endeavor,
In God’s light as two spirits with one soul.
My heart is yours my love now forever.
I shall with such love desert you never.
Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,
July 16, 2015 (Villanelle)