My Heart Shall Not Fade In Crying Red Rust
My Heart Shall Not Fade In Crying Red Rust
I shall beat down the walls of your dungeon
And smash its power into fading dust.
My spirit by you will not be bludgeoned,
My heart shall not fade in crying red rust!
Once, I saw such goodness in your sweet soul.
Those years have all vanished into the dark,
Where raging waters drown love in its roll
Madness of your hate shows to be so stark!
I still long for that soft gentle touch
With the press of those sexy luscious lips.
This heart cries deep, in loving you so much
Despite cut of claws on your fingertips!
I can never change pains of fate and time.
Yet I cry my loss in poetic rhyme!
R.J. Lindley
Sept 23rd, 1976
Syllables Per Line:
10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10
Total # Syllables: 140
Total # Lines: 17 (Including empty lines)
Words with (syllables) counted programmatically:
Total # Words: 116
Note- Old poem, slightly edited today to improve its form
and omit sad and deeply personal messages vented at the time of
its creation. Although its extra verses (altered or cut) to bring
down to brevity of the sonnet form were very good, I will keep
the original intact in my private writes, for my children to read
only after I depart this existence.