My Heart Trembles
My heart sometimes trembles
As I remember…
All the ways He has blessed me
The times He has helped me
All the ways He has comforted me
The times He has reassured me
All the ways He has sheltered me
The times He has upheld me
All the ways He has corrected me
The times He has accepted me
All the ways He has brought grace to me
The times He has supported me
All the ways He has filled me with peace
The times He has called me His disciple
All the ways He has enlightened my soul
The times He has strengthened me
All the ways He has silenced my worries
The times He has brightened my thoughts
All the ways He has brought hope to me
The times He has relieved my grief
All the ways He has directed me to light
The times He brought me out of the dark
All the ways He has colored me in kindness
The times He has rained down joy for me
All the ways He has lightened my load
The times He has calmed my soul
All the ways He has consoled my spirit
The times He has eased my depression
All the times He has left me with a smile
The times He has loved me like His child
All the times He has promised me hope
The times He has erased all my doubt
All the times He has given me a chance
The times He whispered pleasure through me
All the times He made my heart beat wildly
The times He brought me laughter to cheer me
All the times He sent His spirit to inspire me
The times He urged me to know Him personally
My heart sometimes trembles…
As I remember…
All the times His grace persuaded my faith
The times I was lost when He found me
The times when I was confused…
And He reminded me His word would bring me…
Out of the shadows to the awareness of a love…
A love that restores each heart with the miracle
Of the One who came to deliver souls from anguish
Repair torn hearts and return spirits with hope
That knows, because He is alive, we can survive
The pain and sorrow, the struggle with worry
Every frailty and weakness that interrupts peace
My heart sometimes trembles…
As I remember…
His love is the answer… His love is eternal!