My Hero Died Today
It was very early in the morn
The news not good, in depths forlorn
Memories of you dressed in your army best
A hero to me a father better than all the rest
Mom would play the piano and sing Daddy's little girl
I cried each time I heard it, my emotions in a whirl
No hero can be perfect the war had taken its toll
Alcohol had become an addiction to fill that empty hole
It stole so much time from us all, the years they flew right bye
A VA doctors test messed you up then they sent you home to die
Another hospital then another again you went to die in ICU
More than three weeks on life support with IV's arms all black and blue
I was glad to get to see you,have the chance to hold your hand
My own still much smaller than my hero's, who's life had not seemed grand
I wish I could have been there today before you passed away,I had a few words I really
wanted to say
I love you dad and always will and happy fathers day
This poem is dedicated to my father who passed early this morning fathers day 2010