My Heroine
My mom has always been my “Heroine”
Even though I act like she isn’t sometimes
Because she’s always been the rock that I could lean on
And that’s good because I’ve been through valleys
Valleys with unimaginable odds which have knocked me down
But each time that I’ve fallen she’s been there to help me up.
She has always been there with words of encouragement
Which is good because I’ve been through my share of tough times
And one of the toughest times that I’ve had to face was school
Because I can remember that I use to shed a lot of tears over that
I also thought about quitting but she kept encouraging me not to
But I’m glad that she did because now I feel a sense of pride.
That’s not all that makes her so special to me
It’s because I know she must get her strength from God
To handle everything that she does because her plate is full
And then we don’t always see eye to eye with everything
But she still gives me her love even when I’m unlovable
Now that’s why I can say that my mom’s my “heroine.”