Love Poem: My Hobby
M. L.  Kiser Avatar
Written by: M. L. Kiser

My Hobby

I love to sketch with a pen and ink; to feel the flow of the lines that I think; as they pour their way down my arm to my hand and softly on the parchment land. I love to sketch the shadows deep, as from hand to pen point they creep. The joy of all the special nibs; My pen will use; the page to fill. Oh how Muse does love the ride, as down my arm and pen she slides; her words of wisdom, gushing forth, like rain drops spatter on my porch. The rhythm of the curvatures; the notes that play, they will ensure, A lovely drawing, revealed to me I’ll dive into its reverie.
2-1-19 For: "Hobbies Poetry Contest" sponsored by Julie Leigh Rodeheaver