My Inner Person
My inner person desires and seeks
innovative words softer than roses,
lovelier than the skies of spring, louder that the voice of Moses...
then see me anxiously run when the cathedral's bell rings!
My inner person needs serenity more than a friend,
the peace that God created along with His infinite universe;
how blissful is the day coming to a peaceful end,
to admire the fireflies engaging in streaks of luminescence!
My inner person is not obliged in any way
to please others other than the One who is mindful of me;
doesn't obedience and trust in Him bring elation?
Many are too wretched and faithless to deserve His compassion!
My inner person is the robin's song which welcomes spring,
and we both are the early risers to discover a dazzling morning...
emerging from a sea where sunrays encroach upon its rippled waves,
as the gulls' shrills rent the stillness to subdue any unwanted elusiveness.