My Last Dying Breath
With my last dying breath, I will whisper your name. As my life slips away slowly, so does this pain.
Your name passes my lips, and releases it's grip. No more need to hold on, to this broken love trip.
Let me die all alone, you're too cold to come home. Now here in this light, your true colors have shown.
I held on for so long, said I'll never let go. But I've found peace in my soul, as my heart starts to slow.
Now burry me deep, in my own silent tomb. So heaven can take me, into it's uplifting womb.
I'll look down from the sky, as you struggle through life. And quietly pray, you get through all this strife.
At days end your alone, in your own bed of lies. And no one will hear, when your heart breaks and cries.
But if you say you can fake it, 'til you finally make it. Then my life's in your hands, so feel free to take it.
For this life's not a game, we can play with no shame. It's a legend and story, that we leave with our name.
I'll go down in the books, as a man of good deeds. You'll go down with the world, suffocated in greed.
Now I'll spread my great wings, I'll look up and I'll fly. Leaving my last written passage, where I bid you good bye...