My Life - Your Life - Together
I realized today
That I was indeed
“Breathing just a little
And calling It
My Life.”
For let the truth
Be told
That I don’t want
To breath
Just a little.
I want to take
Huge, gasping breaths
And fill my lungs
To their capacity.
This realization took
All but a
Moment’s reflection.
Just a moment
To completely
And utterly
That each of
My breaths
Can be seen
As an opportunity
To start anew.
I have been
These precious
It was then
I decided.
And I have
With the very
Next breath
I will start
To have a connection
With someone
That is so natural
That it is only
At the level
Of the soul
Is truly a great feat
Two human beings.
Don’t you think?
Only a few
Are even aware
That It exists.
Fewer yet
Have had
The opportunity
To experience It.
I feel we have
That connection.
How can you deny?
Do you deny?
If the winds
Of change
Ever happen
To blow
Into our lives
And sweep us upon
Different paths
Where the journey
Of our lives
Would change
And whether
This change occurs
In this lifetime
Or the next
Or even quite possibly
The one thereafter
You are to know
That I would want
To stand
Beside you
Hold your hand
Close my eyes
And deeply
Breathe in
The same Life
That you do.
With that said
I have now
To Live more
Than just a little.