My Life Needs To Be Renewed
My Love For Jesus Needs To Be Renewed!
I used to tell others of Jesus!
as a young boy...
Witnessing for Christ,
Is what I enjoyed!
I often spole a time to repent...
I loved to talk about Jesus,
wherever I went!
As the years went by
and I grew old.
The things of God, I began to get cold.
A coldness in my life, began to stir.
Even God’s word… I no longer heard
I only talked about God to
people in church.
In my heart, was a hunger
for a new search.
A search to return to Jesus, my lost love!
I fell on my knees and cried to God above.
I confessed to God everything!
A new love for him I knew he would bring.
I began to feel his love come all over me.
The chains were now gone! I was set free!
If a coldness for Jesus dwells in you.
Remember his love is faithful and true!
Please come to Jesus
and be cleansed within!
May my heart be renewed deep within!
By Jim Pemberton 01/27/18