My Life With Barbara
My Life With Barbara
A loving summary
By Franklin Price
The year was nineteen sixty-nine, sixty-eight was spent in 'nam
There was no social media, no laptops and no spam.
No cell phones anywhere in sight, man was not yet on the moon
Then I met the true love of my life. We were dating by mid June
We could feel the bond between us, no denying how we felt,
Enamored by each other, on the both sides of the belt
We were both before in wedlock, both disappointed by the fact.
Mine was one and hers was two. We headed for the final act
She already had our daughter. Her first birthday in July.
I was there to celebrate it. I'd later rock her when she'd cry
Her brother asked me my intentions, for he'd seen her hurt before
I said they were most honorable. Zero for one was then my score
I asked her if she'd marry me as I held her in my arms.
We loved each other's company, enjoyed each others lucky charms
We were married in November, one week after my birthday,
Was a good way to remember, 'cause I was there and planned to stay
She was only twenty-one and I was barely twenty-four,
When we said I do's the final time and walked out the church's doors
Just as soon as it was possible I adopted Danielle Dawn
She was just the cutest, better than a spotted fawn.
Within our first few years of marriage, Barb lost her step dad and her mom
Doctors told her she had problems and they dropped the cancer bomb.
Would be no children from our marriage. That was quite alright to be.
The child I married and adopted, is still the best, and here for me.
The years went by and our love grew. We traveled place to place.
When apart, we missed each other, Until again were face to face.
Never cheated on each other, as did our spouses in the past
Our love was true and realistic, was on a two way street at last
Now the year is twenty twenty-two, January not yet through
God has taken you to heaven. What am I supposed to do?
I brought your ashes home with me. It was only yesterday,
Put them in a loving place and with me they will stay.
Your essence is inside of me and will be until I'm done
Then we'll meet again in Heaven. You will always be the one