My Lost Dear Your Forest Cries
My Lost Dear Our Forest Cries
Our forest cries
My little dear
In spite of tears
The lone nature does howl
On one side sits a lake with ducks
Sitting along the tree line of life
And under bushes of doom
Those little ducks, me, feed off of you
Our past interludes
Smiles and words
... My little dear
Do you remember
Those little ducks, me
So cute
Their little eyes curious
Eyes darting above
At the sky
The blues
The trees
Curious sounds
At you, you my dear
You, so cuddly, yet indifferent
The imprint, redness
For you never looked back
Returned a glance
A second look
A chance
A shared coffee
Why my dear
The shoe shine and not the moon shine
It hurts to have to walk
Those little ducks
With big hearts
Their pinks infectious
Mine, especially
Look, now, above at the sky
At you, my dear
Hoping you come by the lake
With a handful of crumbs
Something from your heart
... No
Blackness of the shoeshine
For your trail took you from our side of the forest
To the other side
Out, out of reach
Onto the other side of the shine
Away from me
... I pause, I always ponder
Shed a tear ... now and then
It's that you my dear
Watching thru the darkness
connie pachecho