Love Poem: My Love, My Life
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Written by: Steven Siegel

My Love, My Life

My Love, My life
My life have been without any feelings or love
I felt like I might go fade away in some place
My life felt tangled as if stuck in a mangrove
With no way of getting the hell out the rat-race.
She would at last make me feel complete to my soul
Just maybe we were both prime and ready to be caught
We both met for me be strong enough and to able hold
I’m bit of heaven when I’m in her arms at night
Lose all track of time but who is counting anyways  
When we are in each others arms on weekend-nights.
Sally has brought joys into my life; into my ways
The day we were married she set free the doves,
I knew I’d be with you till I die my dear love…
Steve L. Siegel
January 23, 2013