My Love
There I lie she sleeps she twitches there
How lucky can one man be as friends say and tell me
She wakes and streches over me a drench of mind and soul
And nature gentle kind and sweet no order to be told.
A swallow landed on the grass behold a lift was there
by me with cupped hands shes on to her away but who knows where
As gentle as that swallow saw my lady called my name
I never knew my name before could ring with such a claim
To dinner dark and lit a candle tells our tale
I love you darling and love you too don't say it or we'll fail
Yellow roses for my lady wrong sprayed red within my heart
No care for course and proper send the story of my heart
Believe me now and ever more a wrong thing I could say
But never more my heart before did love someone this way
I cannot burst my heart for you survive it I would do
The strenght and thought and weight and force my love for you wont end