My Love
My Love
Every time I watch him walk away, I wonder to myself if it will be my last time to let him know..
I hurry and think to myself if I have told him everything, I should have and if I was able to show..
The love I have for him so deep into my heart and my soul and that without him I am no longer me..
I do not think that he understands how much I miss the way he looked at me and anyone could see..
That we were soul mates from the start and just met a bit later in our lives but still..
Were meant to stay together and this illness that has pulled us apart against our will..
I miss holding his hand as we walked and the way he used to twirl me around in his arms so tight..
When we were out together, we were one and now that I do not get out much, I feel that he might..
Get tired of taking care of me, stop looking at me as if I am his wife, and will stop wanting me in ways..
That I want him more than I could ever want another person and even though "I'm not going anywhere dear” he says…
I feel him drift sometimes and I start to reminisce about all of the old times before everything seemed to hit..
Back in our best days and nights that never seemed to end because as long as we were together we never did quit..
We lost so many close loved ones and now it is hitting even closer to home than we expected would..
I want so much to run to him and jump into his arms with all the passion if only I really could..
My love and my husband you have done more than you will ever know for me just please..
Remember that I am still a woman who loves you and even if I do not live much longer, you still hold the keys..
To unlock every emotion in my being and I really do not think you even know…
How hard it will be for me to see your eyes when they finally tell me it’s time to go..
For a love of a lifetime is so very rare and does not seem to me to be fair or right..
To give me my true love that I pray I will get to see the next day every single night…
Love you always..