My Love
Stunning sunset feeds my soul,
Begins to collapse as night sneaks in.
A shiver dances down my spine
As your warm arms shield from night's chill kiss.
Your laugh rejuvenates my frame
Like the longest, deepest, warm massage
Your wit a challenge to elate
The Sunday crossword I want every night.
I am a schoolgirl once again
Who doodles your name with heart dot i's
Richest chocolate cake, a taste?
But you're trapped by baker's glass for now.
I always thought a fire burns hot
Then slowly dies: warm, cool, then cold.
But forty years and still this moth
Can't fight the attraction of your sensual flame.
If love could heal a broken heart
Your pillow would still have warmth and light.
But instead it catches all my tears
As I await our reunion, my husband, my life.
2/4/2017 140 words