My Love Burns Like Hot Coals
My love burns like hot coals.
My eyes burn like hot coals
melting into the back of my head.
My brain is just liquefying in love
I love you. I don't know why I said
I didn't. I was alone in Australia.
I don't know how I ended up crawling
on the moon after a dog. I never know
how I get places. I'm always traveling,
always in a free-fall. My heart just stops
sometimes and there is the most amazing
woman standing in front of me.
I love you. I don't hold your hand
because I’m afraid I won’t let go. What
are you looking for? I'm looking
for somebody to be the skin that covers
my bone. I want to be wrapped so completely
that I would be infected without you.
My organs would show.
I have always been a stray. I am
a space cadet. I don't have to think
happy thoughts to fly I can just fly.
It's all the helium in my blood,
which is why I need an anchor.
My heart detaches like a balloon.
It will float away into the heavens.
My love will pop. My love will disappear.
My love will be torn and caught by a tree
We will forget and we will walk away
though we were magic and we floated
and we kissed in the heavens
because your kiss started to burn my skin
and my skin was you.