My Love For Poetry
Loving you is loving me
Commons new album Be
Reminds me of how we
Come together as one
Striving for that relationship
We've won
Through all the criticism
We bind our souls in
This great Baduizm
As I flow about us
I continue to trust
The love between us as we come
To understand
The creases in our hands
My love for you expands
Exploring each command
I can't get enough of you
I scream with Janet when we sincrinize in singing "Ooo"
My feelings are more heard
With Lauren Hills words
So turn your lights down low
There's something you should know
I'm sorry but I can not let our love go
As I run back to my fantasy
All I picture is you and me
As I turn for eternity
For our souls to be
This season continues to grow
I can not wait til I come home
So I can hold you in my arms
And feel that skin of yours
To give you the sweetest kiss
And fall into a fatal bliss
The magnet between the hips
I can't believe how much you turn me on
The beauty of man can go for so long
I'm missing the days
When we'd go play
The beach forever ours
When night its the stars
My heart forever the ocean
You've captured it through
As you ride me be gentle cause I know what you can do
So caress me with your fingertips
Once your body lies in the open face
Backdoors open too
Knowing the energy's there to come to
Madly you rip through my white water
Patiently waiting while these platforms her
Every caress to get the rhythm right
Continue to ride faster and faster
Becoming one...Alllrighht!
Hmm..pau ready? Dahlin we just started
I know I'll see you again tomorrow
No worries I not broken hearted
Crash into me
This island girl dream
These swells wil forever be
An epic of you and me
Yours truly
The best friend for eternity.