My Love For You
I love the way you touch me
It puts my senses reeling
And looking into your beautiful eyes
Lends new light to what you are feeling.
I am so in love with you sweetheart
I sometimes fear the depth of my love
I could not go on without you
I believe somehow you came from above
You are the miracle of how I feel
Buried these many years
You bring such sweet loving honesty
I believe I will have no more tears
I thank you with all my heart
For making me come alive
Some very strong feelings of mine
Have come forth and survived
I pledge to you my life and love
And pray we never part ways
I will never speak of it again
Our love will be to the end of days
So, take me into your arms tonight
And hold me with all your heart
You are the other half of me
And forever more we will not part
Rest easy in the way we feel
And sleep peacefully each night
Knowing I am with you
And our love is beautiful and right.
Connie Moore
July 15, 2018