My Love For You
It sauntered down the ladder
bridging gaps between
immovable mountains and
soft spoken clouds.
Its human form cast no shadow.
And I remember the evening avalanche.
That first knock on my door.
I remember thinking it significant -
my attention arrested by
unseen mystery, still knocking, still
knocking, still knocking…still.
But when I opened & no glimpse to
catch of any soft fallen snow appeared,
I followed the thrashing heartbeat of lake,
followed to my lunar crater filled
with comforting hesitation. What
impossible structure fallen as rain,
tumbled in snow, polished to ice justified fear?
Still, fear I felt, orange and clear.
The sound of you singing, then, & not singing here.
A bushel of lime.
Submitted for: "Love Poems for Her" contest
Sponsored by: Team Poetry Soup