My Love Lives In a Maiden's Fallen Tear
My Love Lives In A Maiden's Fallen Tear
I saw sweet love in maiden's fallen tear
a racing orb of light so very bright.
A love lost, great tragedy so many fear
as small children do darkness of night.
If only to live and not be too late
for the appointed day that I died.
Mend the widening cracks in my plate
careful to eat my stolen eggs fried.
Should a poet compose for me a monody
I shall rise again just to hear.
For my sweet soul fled my tortured body
but my love lives in a maiden's tear.
Will I ever hear sweet song sung in tune.
Or peacefully sleep beneath crescent moon?
Robert J. Lindley, 10-25-2015
Note-Tried to go to sleep,but that wicked muse
of mine, demanded just one more! And it had to
be a sonnet!
(1) monody-
Monody | Define Monody at
a Greek ode sung by a single voice, as in a tragedy;
lament. 2. a poem in which the poet or speaker laments
another's death; 3. Music. a style
of ...
Monody dictionary definition | monody defined
pl. -·dies. in ancient Greek literature, an ode sung by a
single voice, as in a tragedy; lyric solo, generally a
lament or dirge; a poem in which the poet mourns ..