My Love My Life My Death
Long ago
I died
I wished only
To suckle from your breast
I dreamed only to hold you
As you would embrace me to rest
I dreamed that love
Would set us both free
You denied me the fairy tale
You robbed your own broken heart
Now, we are both the poorer
The mourning makes us both the sorer
The canary sings when the new morning rings
The sun rises, and a young lovers smile rises
You are there
I am here
The road of one, still has room
Wonder when the cloud will lift the gloom
I have died long ago
No need to breathe on dead old leaves
If only the scar on the heart
Would open up
Only then could the rainbows sing
Letting the sunshine in
The blood would tumble and flood the floor
Flowing right out that heartless door
There I would be in soldier grey
Ready for the battle to make love stay
Into my arms, you would faint
I would stare and unspoken I would paint
The first small kiss you would awake
Open the book, so that verses we could make