Love Poem: My Man

My Man

MY MAN My man,now, I will close my starry eyes. Catch... As I'll held my hand to yours. Quench my emptiness with your heart. Each heartbeat may it etch, no depart... My man, oh how I long to be like this, All of a sudden, summer and winter collide. Bringing autumn and spring in one be nearer. nearer... nearer as you please. My man, you and me in bone-melting bliss Stars whisper bright of blooming love kiss Next to God, you're my fortress, my air, my life From darkness thorns to daylight rose, no strife My man, hold on, cling tight. Never forgo. Together, we can soar like pigeon's flights.. (c) OLive ELoisa 11:50am August 14, 2014 **** Got inspired with Tim Smith's poem: GIRL.. :) Thanks Tim for the inspiration..:} ID=41165