My Man Joe
More special than an autumn moon,
I knew we would meet again and soon
He made the dream of love sublime,
Smile insured that he was mine.
Appreciation comes in bursts,
We both could probably do much worst.
Love fantasy man of my youth,
Love of my life, to tell the truth.
I have not been the greatest mate,
Yet my marriage is pretty great.
Because my man never holds a grudge,
Finds the shining me inside my sludge.
I truly am not about cards of love,
Do not think of cupids or turtledove,
He always sees me at my best,
Pulls out the good, stamps down the rest.
Holds the fort, stays gentle and kind.
My baby fits, he does not mind.
He has known me forever, my man, Joe.
The hero of my dream, who loves me so.