My Mom Is No More
Mom is No More
My brother phoned ‘Mom is no more’-
My head slumped and I heard no more.
Her mortal remains lost all earthly hold;
When I touched her hands, I felt the cold.
The hand that once caressed my baby face
Lay on my hand like a discarded preface;
And the fingers that fondly rustled my hair
Lay limp like unsold articles in a trade fair.
The child in me wailed but the man in me stilled
The tears that welled and I stood there chilled
By cruelty of death; her loving words ring still
In my ear, as if hung in air frozen forever chill.
When siblings cuddled together again, her loss
We cradled in our hearts like servants sans boss;
The boy in me with audacity dares death to duel,
But adult in me with tenacity deems him life’s dual.
Our body is to soul as skin is to snake,
It is to be discarded for eternity’s sake;
And if love has an eternal image of Maker in mom,
Forever she lives in love, forever and forever as mom.