My Mom My Star
You've listened to me talk.
You've listened to me cry.
You were always there for me.
I asked myself, "Why?"
It's not just that you're my Mother.
It's because you are a friend.
Loving me the way I am..
It's not hard to comprehend.
You were meant to be my Mother.
I'm so proud of you, for sure.
Your loyalty, your faithfulness..
In my Life it was the cure.
This gift of YOU I cherish.
I say this from my heart.
If it was not for you.
I could have fell apart.
Instead my life it prospered.
Your LOVE guided me through.
If you didn't love me..
I don't know what I would do.
You show me very often.
That you truly care.
When I flew off the cuff..
You caught me in mid-air.
Thank you so much..
for being who you are.
My Mother I do Love you.
You are a shining star.