My Moment With God
When no one else cared He did
When everyone spoke death He said "live"
When everyone's love was inconsistent
His was constant
When the weapons were formed against me they didn't prosper cause He
stopped them
He stayed awake watching over me while I slept
With His all seeing eye He has guided every step
He never runs out of patience and His mercy endures
If you are feeling rejected and abandoned His love is the cure
It heals the abused and comforts the accused
Perfect God for the imperfect
Its those He will use
I'm privaledged that I'm your son
That I'm one you'll chose
To describe the feelings I've run out of words to choose
Because when I go through them all
None can describe You
Gratitude and a dedicated life I give
You gave Your life so this life I live
Pursuing Your likeness through life's crisis and stormy days
I want to give up sometime but You are constantly making ways