My Mommy
I trust my mommy,
She never leads me wrong,
At night she sings me
A go to sleep song.
I love my mommy,
She holds me when I cry,
She tells me not to go to
Strangers and say, “Hi”.
I honor my mommy,
She’s done so much for me,
She teaches me to help
My enemy’s family.
I respect my mommy,
She teaches me right from wrong,
She helps me go through
Nights that are long.
I copy my mommy,
She does what is right,
She helps me see
The world in a new light.
I pray for my mommy,
She is humble and nice,
She does things for others
Not once but twice.
I love you mommy,
For everything you’ve done for me,
You’ve taught me that the world
Is a ginormous family.