My Moon
The sweet full moon you shine in my night sky,
I soar on wings of cloud, try to reach you
through star dust flashing with your sapphire hue.
Feathers of my desire get winds to fly
toward your halo enticingly high,
in your sparkle my yearning gleams anew.
You make within me a turquoise pathway,
drifting across my dark sky you depart.
The fabric of firmament falls apart,
with the debris surge the clouds of dismay,
desert storm blows sands of longing away
from the collapsed dunes of my broken heart.
Melting clouds fill my oasis with tears,
reflecting the lost moon I’ve searched for years.
March 15, 2021
Syllable count : 10 per line checked on
Rhyme checked on
Contest : HexSonnetta
Sponsor : Emile Pinet