My Morning Star
When i am lost deep
In the jungle of my thoughts, fears
And the darkness gathers
With its furies its terrors
When my ship is rudderless
Thrown and tossed about
And the tide rises and rises
Oblivion staring me in the face.
When my heart is drowning
In a sea of raging emotions
And renders me impotent
Desolation creeping in, invading
When all the odds are against me
And i am teetering on the brink
You are my only way home
My beautiful morning star
I wanna lie in your arms
Rest my head on your chest
Feel your heart fluttering, rhythmic
I wanna hold you so tight
Like you are slippery
Hold you and never let you go.
I wanna melt in your arms
Feel my blood hot, pumping
Melt like I am candy in the heat
Let go of myself my sorrows
I wanna feel like we are one
You and me together forever.
I wanna hold you and never let go
My beautiful morning star