Love Poem: MY MOTHER


My mother my everything so rare
Like a diamond blooming with pure love
Not to be compared to or bargained for
A very precious and priceless gem
My life giver right from the womb
Before existence even now and forever
A leaning shoulder in times of despair.

My mother my redeemer in times of loses
Comforts with her rejuvenating speeches
Picks me up from nothing to everything
Giving me awareness and insight to thrive
Without hesitating or fear of the unknown
My mantle of grace in all dealings and wins
My anchor in all realms of possession and actions.

My mother my warrior warring my adversary
Leading me to victory over all obstacles easily
The remedy for all my illness or complaint
Supporting without any hidden intentions or profit
Liberating me from any denial, setback and chains
Unique but meek, courageous, wise and inspirational
Words can't comprehend her attributes so enigmatic.