My Mum Is In Heaven
My mum is in heaven
A million zillion miles away
With a word, I can have what I ask for
A bow of the head
Closing my eyes
A conversation comes to life
I ask mum, why, did you leave me
She replies
I am closer now more than ever
You talk to me daily
I watch over every minute of your life
And sometimes you make me sad
I now look how you remember me “beautiful”
I never ever get old
I don’t get hungry
I’m never cold
You are my child
I love you very much
I worship every step you take
I hold your hand every inch of your life
I am no long in pain of any type
I wish you my child
I wish you would walk with me
And not in my shadow
Pining your life away
You are more beautiful than I
You have a great life in front of you
You have people that rely on you
You have a lot to offer the world
To the past I ask you to bid goodbye
To the future I ask you to say hi
Now my child it is time to smile
And show the world the
Beauty you have been hiding
Take a step and enjoy
Enjoy your friends
Enjoy your family
Enjoy your life
Pick your head up
Open your eyes
Dress in a smile
Greet the world
Like a new born baby
My baby