My Music
Laughter simmers to tinkering kettle
Bed sheets zip to arms and legs’ yawning
Window shutters open to next day to exit last night
To rising sun and overflowing streams of life
Enter birdsong from nature’s own winged angels
To All bowing down to His arms’ embrace and grace
Nightmares vaporise in the light of day
Eyes open to meet across now ending dreams
This welcome return to us is the source of my music
My wish to make you my love song
An unexpected Christmas gift in a guitar
To play to your slower heartbeat…to sing to our one
As I live on a theme of your love
In mid-song fall out of a duvet into a duet
Numbing at your fingertips…humming your strokes
Breath in your existence to sustain mine
I compose a new song…your kisses my lyrics
Between your heartbeats now beats mine for yours