My New Language Without You Contest
#As dr0plets descend fr0m the 1nf1n1te d1m sky
# My heart cr1es 0ut and hungers t0 fly
# Far fr0m th1s fragmented f1lthy space
# To a world with true l0ve and genu1ne grace
# F0r ages 1 prayed t0 be carr1ed away
# 1 th0ught f0r certa1n y0u w0uld always stay
# But valleys came between 0ur land
# Y0ur l0ve began t0 scratch l1ke gra1ns 0f sand
# Wh1rlw1nds ech0ed thr0ugh 0ur 1nsubstant1al trees
# 0n that day y0u dec1ded t0 pick up and leave
# Are you 1n a better place?
# 1n my m1nd 1 st1ll see y0ur face
# 0nly t1me can fade th1s p1cture g00d
# F0r 1n the end 1t was 1 wh0 m1sunderst00d
# Pass the h1ghways and 0ver the d1stant seas
# There 1s 0ne greater wh0 w1ll c0me f0r me
# Dreary n1ghts were just a phase
# 1 n0w kn0w me 1n better ways
# L1fe has segments and subtle c0urses
# Y0ur departure br0ught new f0und s0urces
# 1 felt the tr1ckle 0f the end
# 1t wasn’t a break 1t was just a bend
# Wh1ch caused me t0 see thr0ugh new f0und eyes
# Evap0rat1ng all your crystal c0vered l1es
# The pr0m1se land 1s cl0ser than bef0re
# 1 just needed t0 slam the gates and seal up that d00r
# Y0ur malfunct10ns and c0nstant self-destruct10n
# Defect1ve eg0 that had faulty 1nstruct10ns
# Are all n0w s0me0ne else’s merchand1se
# 1 p1ty the purchase even at 1ts d1sc0unted pr1ce.