My Parting Gifts
Die we must when our time is ripe
And perhaps my time has come
I travel as light as when I was born
No burden no regret and no guilt
Walk on the righteous path, my dearest ones
And whenever you go wrong
Be brave to speak the truth
There is none to fear but the Lord
In life and thereafter you travel light
Life is all about give and take
Relationships are based on
What benefits one gets from others
Raise your bar of loving and giving so high
That at all times your relationship
Becomes valued and indispensable
It is your only gold mine
You are judged and evaluated by
The feathers fluttering around you
A true friend is an image of god
Choose judiciously and not be cowed down
For he shall saw every trace of flattery and
Shoot poisoned arrows into your flaws
He will push you to climb the difficult ladder
Of uprightness and humanity
To soar your golden flight
February 21, 2016
Contest: My Parting Gifts
Sponsor: Viv Wigley