My Perfect Girl, Rebecca
Your Beauty glows like an apple,
Blossoms as sweet as the rose in the purest hope of Spring.
My yearning heart rises to your violin voice and leaps
like a wolf at the soft whisper of your name, Rebecca.
The evening ascends on a great vulture wing. I am calmed by
you glowing smile that I carry into the twilight of the night and
hold for eternity in my mind. I am filled with such hope that I may
dry your tears of water.... your tears of Loneliness.
As my body descends onto my left side and enters the Sandman World, I envision your Natural Beauty as it gives me Hope and Change for tomorrow. I await in the crystal moonlight for your secret mental invite prior to entering through The Sandman.
Then, we enter as one, two souls becoming one, in search of the glorious Chosen One and eternal spiritual connection of love.