Love Poem: My Philosophy In Love, Marriage
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Written by: Marilene Evans

My Philosophy In Love, Marriage

                                 Do you
                             believe in fate?
                          in destiny? Did fate   
                        intervened? Or did you
                       follow your destiny? Fate is
                        something beyond your control.
                          Whereas, many people say you are
                              in control of your life, your own destiny.
                                  Let us see: I met my first husband when
                                     I was sixteen. There was attraction, love;
                                  but not marriage. Although we talked about
                               it, probably after we graduate from college,
                            like in our early twenties. Fate intervened,
                        we got married when I was eighteen. Was
                           it fate, I still wonder or was it caused
                             by my running away from home,
                                living with him, losing my
                                   virginity? Since living
           with somebody without marriage or losing virginity was not
           the norm, coupled with opinions of others, the marriage was
                      arranged by our elders. We got married, had
                                       a son and a daughter.

Marriage doomed by his jealousy and temper.
     Being married in a Catholic church, I took the
           physical and emotional abuse without telling
                  anyone for I got married as a result of what
                        I did and staying married was taking
                        accountability for what I had done.

                           But, my soul was not in peace, it was suffocated.
                   My mind was restless, continuously ruminating.
         My heart let my love go, the loving feeling was gone.
         I did not believe in his love anymore for hurting the one
                  you love is not love. Being on my own was crucial for
                          I care more about me and my well-being.

                  I met my second husband when I was twenty six.
        Ours was love marriage. We were in love and there were
        no parties involved when we married. It was my destiny
                  for we planned and wanted it. Love, passion
                                  brought a boy and a girl.

Fate came knocking in, his alcoholism tore us apart.
        Despite the facts I went to Al-Anon and therapy
              to adjust and accept how to live with an alcoholic
                      for I wanted to keep the marriage.

       Letting go was difficult for he had good characteristics,
              attributes overshadowed by the effects of his alcoholism.
              The emotional, mental and financial tolls were affecting
       my well-being. With a broken heart, I had to let go.

              My exes are gone. The second one passed away thirteen
                    years ago. The first one, passed on four days ago
                             and when I heard about it, I was sad.              
                    I was sad for him; but it was the second one I missed.

My take on love is it is giving; however, if the one I love is
      pulling me down, I would not go down. My self-preservation,
             self-respect, well-being is more important to me
                    for I love myself and if I don’t, I could not give
                            and share the true meaning of love.

And on marriage, the sanctity of marriage is important to me.
        I value it and committed to it; however, it involves two
                people to grow with each other with respect,
       love, understanding and so on. When respect is gone
                because of abuse or addiction, love is not 