My Place On Earth
from heaven and earth and all in between,
To think of the things in this life you will see
From child to adult from single to couple
To friend and lover in good times and trouble.
From heaven and earth and all in between,
To think of the things in this life you now see
From dream to a future from fantasy to real
To business adventure how good does that feel.
From heaven and earth and all in between,
These are the things in my life i have seen
A sunrise so big you could hold in your hand
A warm breeze blown from a foreign land
To know my place on earth would be
To bring people peace and harmony
From heaven and earth and all in between
These are things of which i dream
A smile says a thousand words
A hug or warm embrace
A kiss from my love a hold of his hand
The affection i see on his face
There's nothing more i need to see
For i was and will always be me