My Prayer
Jesus, Your Son,
The only one true
Perfect and Holy,
Who makes all things new
To my spirit bring life,
My flesh, execute
Please, cleanse my soul,
Make me more like You
Teach me to be gracious
Show me how to be kind
I want for good things
To fill my mind
Let me be patient,
Yielding to time
I want You to claim me
And tell me, "you're mine"
I want to have gratitude
And be sincere
I want for Your voice
To stand out in my ear
I want to love,
And trust without fear
I want to always remember
That You're always near
I don't want to have pride
I don't want to be vain
I don't want to use
For selfish gain
I don't want to hurt,
I don't want to cause pain
I don't want anything evil
To be attached to my name
I don't want to lie
I don't want to cheat
I don't want for others
To be offended by me
I don't want to be arrogant
Or a slave to greed
I want You to shine through me
Whenever I'm seen
I don't want to be perfect
But perfected in heart,
My will at the end,
Your will at the start
I want to be selfless
And just do my part
An obedient servant,
Recognizing Your art
I want life to flourish
And peace to abound,
For Your angels to cover us
And be encamped all around
I want grace and mercy
To always be found
Your Spirit, our messenger,
A sweet, gentle sound
I offer up all
I surrender to You
Anything that You ask,
I promise, I'll do
I pray all is well
And is done in truth,
That I live for Your glory,
Whom it is due