My Precious Redeemer
My Precious Redeemer
When I think of where my Lord has brought me
and the terrible darkness I recall,
then in thankfulness I sing out to Him
as on my face before Him I fall.
Oh, Lord my God, my Savior
You are so far above us all,
why You chose a wretch like me to serve You so great
so short I know I fall.
Yet, I know that You like to display Your mercy
Your kindness, and faithfulness to,
such a precious Redeemer My God whom I serve
Master what else can I do for You?
My heart is so full of love now
for a Wonderful Eternal God,
with these lips of clay I will praise Your name
remembering I’m just made out of the world’s sod.
Written by: Marilyn S. Jennings
June 23, 1994